YOU Taught Us Retreat and Defeat
‘Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the president to explain to us what the exit strategy is.” -- Governor G.W. Bush on Clinton’s goal for the Kosovo military action-- Houston Chronicle, 4/9/99
“Obviously, we are not winning the war.” --Senator Richard Shelby USA Today 4/5/99
“Many may question the path that has taken us to this point. I have my own questions about the long term strategy of this campaign.” --GOP House Speaker Dennis Hastert--Dallas Morning News 3/25/99
“We are presently at war and it is an unconstitutional war.” --Representative Tom Campbell New York Times 4/14/99
“The Administration greatly miscalculated the response Milosevic would have to a bombing campaign. As I predicted, the Administration has escalated what was guerilla warfare into a much more serious conflict. The bombings have unleashed an evil reign and resulted in a humanitarian disaster.” --Senator Don Nickles, 4/21/99
“The president said that if we did nothing, there would be instability in the region.
There would be a flood of refugees, Kosovars would die, and the credibility of NATO would be undermined. Well, Clinton's bombing campaign has caused all of these problems to explode.” --Tom DeLay CNN 5/2/99
“This is President Clinton’s war, and when he falls flat on
his face, that’s his problem.” --Richard Lugar New York Times 5/4/99
“While we may not support the President’s ill-advised war, we do support our troops. … Without any coherent international blueprint, the White House has bombed its way around the globe while dropping troops far and wide for ill-defined peacemaking duties. This policy has gutted the American military, which now must be rebuilt.” --Tom DeLay Washington Post, 5/7/99