A Conservative Liberal

I intend to write here what I think and what I learn. Most of what I write here will be about politics.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

The Christmas letter I sent to the troops in Iraq

Dear fellow American

As Tom DeLay put it on May 7, 1999
“While we may not support the President’s ill-advised war, we do support our troops."

I hope you come home safe and sound as do most liberals.

The cartoon the link below shows pretty much how I feel.


PS last month at a protest I saw anti-war activists rough up a jerk who was carrying a sign disparaging our troops.

God be with you




Message to Flip-Flopping Republicans:

YOU Taught Us Retreat and Defeat

‘Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the president to explain to us what the exit strategy is.” -- Governor G.W. Bush on Clinton’s goal for the Kosovo military action-- Houston Chronicle, 4/9/99

“Obviously, we are not winning the war.” --Senator Richard Shelby USA Today 4/5/99

“Many may question the path that has taken us to this point. I have my own questions about the long term strategy of this campaign.” --GOP House Speaker Dennis Hastert--Dallas Morning News 3/25/99

“We are presently at war and it is an unconstitutional war.” --Representative Tom Campbell New York Times 4/14/99

“The Administration greatly miscalculated the response Milosevic would have to a bombing campaign. As I predicted, the Administration has escalated what was guerilla warfare into a much more serious conflict. The bombings have unleashed an evil reign and resulted in a humanitarian disaster.” --Senator Don Nickles, 4/21/99

“The president said that if we did nothing, there would be instability in the region.
There would be a flood of refugees, Kosovars would die, and the credibility of NATO would be undermined. Well, Clinton's bombing campaign has caused all of these problems to explode.” --Tom DeLay CNN 5/2/99

“This is President Clinton’s war, and when he falls flat on
his face, that’s his problem.” --Richard Lugar New York Times 5/4/99

“While we may not support the President’s ill-advised war, we do support our troops. … Without any coherent international blueprint, the White House has bombed its way around the globe while dropping troops far and wide for ill-defined peacemaking duties. This policy has gutted the American military, which now must be rebuilt.” --Tom DeLay Washington Post, 5/7/99


Friday, December 23, 2005

This might mean somthing to Osama if he didn't have dozens of siblings



My rant of the day

On the way home from the book store (did you know one of Rush Limbaugh's wives left him Christmas weekend?) I saw a car repair center being built where I once saw cattle grazing.


California contains some of the best farm land in the world.

Much of it was ruined when LA forgot it's agrarian roots.

You know why film makers first came to southern California?

Because of the clean air that could be found there.

Now they perfer to film outdoor scenes in British Columbia where there still is clean air.

Today the urban sprawl and with it urban flight, plight, and blight is expanding from Sacramento and invading rural communities in Northern California.

I hear similar things happening in Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and the other states that feed America.

Will the day come when all of our food is bought from China?

Will the day come when we have no choice but to farm Yellowstone?

Every time I see a building erected on fertile land I am reminded of a saying attributed to the great Chief Seattle;

"Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realise that we can not eat money."

The Hannitys were Nazi's?

Ah, so some of it is coming out. I tell you people look farther into the neo right wingers real agenda. Also look it the Hannitys family at Camp Siegfried in NY. It was a Nazi party camp in the 1930s.
Anonymous | 12.23.05 - 7:50 am | #



Thursday, December 22, 2005

Marilyn Manson...Republican....lol


Such hate
