A Conservative Liberal

I intend to write here what I think and what I learn. Most of what I write here will be about politics.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

And now a rant

What traveling "evangelists" who go from college to college telling students they're going to hell don't seem to understand is that by being jerks they further the divide between many students and Jesus which from the evangelists stand point guarantees hell.


Delaware, the whoop ass state?

SEAFORD, Del.--Five people face criminal charges after clashing with the Phelps clan/cult who were protesting at the funeral of a Marine killed in Iraq.

Police stood between the protesters and counter-demonstrators, some of whom tossed eggs, stones and water bottles.

Much as I dislike violence I'm not very sorry to see the Westboro cult suffer an egging.

Seriously though considering who they were harassing...

...the protesters are luck to be alive.

On the bright side...
...this local Baptist showed up with a sign that read "My God loves everyone".

Monday, May 22, 2006

Icon of Servicemen in Iraq is now against the War

"He has slowly turned against the war. "We've done some humanitarian aid," Blake said, "but what good have we actually done, and what has America gained except a lot of deaths? It burns me up.""

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