A Conservative Liberal
I intend to write here what I think and what I learn. Most of what I write here will be about politics.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Well least the troops have retained their sense of humor.
Meanwhile on the home front....
gas prices are getting so high the Amish may become trend setters.
But Cheney doesn't mind the rise in gas prices since he owns stock in you-know-what.
Most of America would now love to do this to Bush now.
But there are still some who think of Bush this way.
Seriously people.
Then again some people do the other direction and end up acting as stupid.
At best Bush is a Caesar wanabe
...I'm for not overdoing life and enjoying simple things like good food...
...and a good bike (BTW it runs on biodisel).
Friday, May 12, 2006
As Bush preps to sink lower than Carter...
Bush is at 29% and sinking
Things are not going well in Iraq
the FBI is investigating the CIA & Republicans for Hookergate.
It's now proven that FoxNews is a White House lacky.
The country is pissed about domestic spying.
Bill Gibson has make racist remarks on TV
Gas prices keep going up
and the House has aproved a Christians only Prayer Into Defense Bill
Thanks God I'm not a Republican 8)