A Conservative Liberal
I intend to write here what I think and what I learn. Most of what I write here will be about politics.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
Summary of the Klan Presentation by "Grand Dragon" Charles Lee his partner.
1)The Klan is not all about hate, that is mostly a picture painted by communists and Jews.
2) The US' biggest problems are communists, immigration, homosexuality, mixed-couples, lack of white pride, free trade, rich people, Jews, and dependence on other races / countries.
3) Satan impregnated Eve, and Jews are descended from Cain. Anyone without pure white blood has been "mongrelized."
4) The white race is the true Israelites and were sent by God to fix the problems of the Earth.
5) Jesus would not minister to other races, so neither will true Christians. All true Christians are to live up to a standard set by Jesus of being pure at least 10 generations back.
6) The Klan is simply doing what other ethnic groups do for their own culture, yet there is a war against them and it is very difficult.
That's as conservative as a person can get.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Ann Coulter; hermaphrodite, hate monger, bitch......
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Uncovered: Australian TV station to show sixty P.U.R. Abu Ghraib photos including six more corpses
The board is set.
The pieces are moving.
May God forgive us.
According to newspapers the pellets Cheney shot into Whittington's heart are lead!
Monday, February 13, 2006
I'm not sure what to think of this comic
Click here to learn more though about supply side Jesus.
Cheney's SS barred local law enforcement from interviewing their master about the shooting.
Click here to read more.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Best Animated Cartoon of Cheney so far this year
Click here to watch Dick play with guns as he screws with America.
Guns don't shoot people .....Dick Cheney does!
PS Laura Bush's car has killed more people than my gun.
JesseH...The Neo-Nazi