A Conservative Liberal

I intend to write here what I think and what I learn. Most of what I write here will be about politics.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Make your own joke


Friday, March 24, 2006


...at cats

(It's friday folks)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

South Dakota Indians fight new Abortion laws

The President Cecilia Fire Thunder has declared the following.

“I will personally establish a Planned Parenthood clinic on my own land which is within the boundaries of the Pine Ridge Reservation where the State of South Dakota has absolutely no jurisdiction.”

Indians defending Abortion clinics...now that's irony.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Hello voter, welcome to Mitchell4Congress! Thank you for participating in the voting process.
January 25th, 2006 by Jim Mitchell

The Citizens of the United States of America need their own version of a Magna Carta!

What sets my candidacy apart from the others in the 8th Congressional District race is:

· The Ten Commandments as a vision statement for world peace and reaffirmation of societal relationships in America.

· Using the military to secure our borders and process illegal immigration.

· Repealing the 16 th amendment to the Constitution and replacing payroll taxation with a flat tax on consumption at the time of purchase.

· Elimination of the Social Security Program for non-enrolled persons.

· Two years of national service.

· English as the only language for United States.

· Reintroduction of the military draft to meet increasing global commitments.

· Elimination of retirement benefits for Members of Congress.

The backbone of my candidacy is the Ten Commandments.


This had better not be Diebold's doing

IL Primaries Plagued by E-Voting 'Glitches'

Bush seems to be trying to make Iraq more like Vietnam

When asked about the date all U.S. forces would pull out of Iraq, Bush answered: "That will be decided by future presidents..."

Tuesday, March 21, 2006




just wow

Ex-Congressman's stolen goods to Be Auctioned

For Communists this is a wet dream, for the rest of us the is some funny shit.


Republican* shoots kid

for walking on his lawn!

*"flag pole with U.S. and Navy flags flying."


Of course the Bushlings will claim so few of them came because they have jobs.
Bullshit, go to FreeRepublic.com there are people on that web site from the Washington DC area who post between 9 and 5 every day of the week.

Abortion: who's tried to outlaw it in the past?

I'm not a fan of abortion but I'm also not a fan of 13 year olds being forced to give birth to their daddy's baby so here are some facts for those who think outlawing all abortion is the sort of thing a moral person would do.

In 1936, Joseph Stalin reversed Lenin's legalization of abortion in the Soviet Union.
Also in 1936, Heinrich Himmler, Hitler's Chief of the SS, created the "Reich Central Office for the Combating of Homosexuality and Abortion."

Monday, March 20, 2006

Ron Kovic at the RNC in 1972

THis was the day Ron was spat on by war mongers.

Watch the Classic film Metropolis 1927 for free!!!

warning: no complete version of the film exists and I don't know which version this link leads to.

A thread with so many twists it could be marketed

BTW Carla is Paranoid